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    A daily skincare routine is vital to keep your skin hydrated and protected from outside influences and looking younger. But it’s just as important to maintain your routine. So don’t go overboard with 10-steps routines, just do what is necessary for your own skin. Tropy Beauty prepared a simple tailored 3-step routine for black skin: Cleanse, Moisturize and Protect, so you can achieve a more healthy and glowing skin!

    Black skin contains more melanin than lighter skin. Melanin-producing cells may be more susceptible to the effects of inflammation and injury, which may be more noticeable in dark skin than in light skin.

    ”It means you can wear less makeup and let skin shine through.”

    Michel Coulombe, Global Makeup Artist

    Step 1:

    Cleanse: To keep skin bright and supple, it is best to cleanse and moisturize it daily, ideally right after showering. Use a gentle cleanser that does not clog the pores. Massage the cleanser into the skin with clean fingertips, then rinse it off with lukewarm water and pat the skin dry with a clean towel. Check out our cleansers here

    Step 2:

    Moisturize: To avoid losing moisture and to prevent the skin from looking ashy, apply a daily moisturizer that contains humectants, such as glycerin or hyaluronic acid. Humectants retain moisture in the skin. A highly effective moisturizer is petroleum jelly (Vaseline). However, people should take care when applying thick products such as this to the face, as they may cause acne. Avoid moisturizers with fragrances, as these can irritate some people’s skin. Moisturizers that include creams or ointments are preferable to lotions. Check out our moisturizers here

    Step 3:

    Protect: One of the biggest myths about black skin is that it does not burn, and that black people do not need to wear sunscreen. This is untrue, and everyone should use adequate sun protection with at least a factor (SPF) of 30 that protects against both ultraviolet (UV) A and UVB rays. Apply sunscreen all year round to all areas of exposed skin, even on cloudy days, when in the shade, and in the winter.

    It is also important to eat a balanced diet. Good skin care starts on the inside. To give skin the nutrients it needs to form and repair itself, eat a healthful diet rich in:

    fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein sources, such as fish, eggs, legumes, and tofu

    and healthful fats, including nuts, avocado, and olive oil.

    Avoiding processed and sugar-filled foods and limiting alcohol intake may also help improve skin health. People with a skin condition such as acne or eczema should speak with a dermatologist to determine whether there are any foods that may make symptoms worse.

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